ANTÇEV (Antalya Modern Education and Culture Foundation) is a non governmental organisation, which was founded by 228 volunteers in 1995. For the aim of secular and democratic Turkey, ANTCEV tries to contribute in the education of the young people to make them critically think and express confidently what they think, produce and search for the answers efficiently. To serve this aim our foundation focuses on modern education and works on projects for the education of children, young people, teachers, parents and adults. One of our aims is to build schools, dormitories, social centres, youth centres and support those which have already been built for any level of the general education. We also organise scientific, cultural and sports activities. 

Scholarship for the University Students ANTCEV has been providing the successful and gifted university students, who don’t have enough financial support to continue their education, with the scholarship.

Supporting the Primary School Education
We support pilot primary schools, which are located in the disadvantaged areas in Antalya by organising seminars and courses backing primary curriculum with the help of our scholars. We also provide these schools with necessary equipment and the students with what they needed, such as clothing and stationery.

Parents Education in Disadvantaged Areas (PEDA)
This was an EU project (SOCRATES- Grundtvig 2/LP) with Greek and Portuguese Partners. With this project it was aimed to enhance the participation of parents to the economical and social life of the community, to promote parents for a life long learning and to participate in parents’ organisations in the schools. Project activities included training courses on ICT and foreign languages for parents, seminars on domestic violence, good communication skills, hygiene and consumer rights which can also help the parents to be employed.

Active Employment –New Opportunities Programme:
“We Are Also At Work” This project was also supported by EU funding programmes. In this project it was aimed to support young high school graduates, who became unemployed in some reasons, with courses on ICT and enhance their computer skills to be involved in career programmes, to succeed in job interviews and to find better jobs. 

This is a Socrates Grundtvig 2 Learning Partnership Project. It lasted for 2 years. There were 9 participants in the Project (The Netherlands (x2), Turkey, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Spain, Italy and Iceland). ROC Miden Brabant from the Netherlands was the coordinator. Four meetings were held; in Turin (Italy), Antalya (Turkey), Stockholm (Sweden) and Tilburg (The Netherlands). Objectives of the Project were to raise awareness of the importance of this issue as a tool for implementing the Intercultural Competence, to increase the motivations of educators and policy makers involved in this integration field through their involvement in this project and to establish a network for a European discussion on the Intercultural Competence. The target groups were policy makers, educational researchers, educational institutions, that are involved i n I n t e g r a t i o n p r o g r ams, l o c a l community groups and NGOs dealing with immigrants or minority groups.

IT Education as an activating factor of adults from areas under danger of unemployment /ITEFAFU/
This is a project supported by EU funding programmes (SOCRATES- Grundtvig 2 program (LLP)) with five other European partners including Poland, Slovak Republic, Spain, Turkey, and Cyprus. The project concerns adults who are looking for a job because they are unemployed or would like to change their present occupation but due to various reasons, especially connected with their environment, face difficulties in finding a job. The aims of this project are to identify professional activity areas desirable in a given environment, to encourage the unemployed to start their own business, to identify and apply IT to professional activities such as commerce, services etc. and to job searching as a means of job offering. In this project teaching process is based on a n e - l e a r n i n g p l a t f o r m a n d me t h o d s o f j o b searching with the help of IT. 

Increasing of the expertise in the area of social and educational work with the mentally handicapped people (Leonardo da Vinci –Student Mobility) The participants in the project:
The students of the Faculty of Education Presov university currently studying in the branch of study Special Education, study program Psychopedy – pedagogy of mentally handicapped people are the participants in the project. The aim of the project is: From the perspective of the participants: 1. to gain the knowledge concerning the organizing of the camphill communities as well as the another special education facilities, in the main in the area of : Management and inner life of the community, Personnel politics, experiences in the field of the individual work with a client, 2. to gain the practical experience in the area of the therapeutically and educational strategies using in the communities for mentally handicapped people, as well as in the field of the preparation of the mentally handicapped person for relatively independent life, 3. to gain the experience in the area of the creation of the social relationships among the mentally handicapped mutually as well as among them and the people who are concerned about the clients and at the same time they make up the community, 4. to gain a knowledge how to build the pleasant material surrounding for the clients, 5. to gain a knowledge about the rehabilitation and compensatory aids for mentally handicapped people, 6. to mediate the experiences from the students placement to another faculty students as well as the experts in the areaof special education practice in Slovak Republic via implementation of t h e d i s s e m i n a t i o n w o r k s h o p s a n d p u b l i c a t i o n s i n t h e available pedagogical periodicals. This project was organised by Antçev. 

It was a Leonardo VETPRO which will last a year. It will include two meetings in Antalya with 30 participants and two leaders who are teachers of vocational education, who work regularly with students with an immigrant- background. Coordinator Organisation is The Dutch Alliance (TDA), which is a foundation for international activities in which 9 regional vocational institutes (ROC's) in the Netherlands cooperate. This exchange project will consist of two parts. In the first part the participants will experience themselves what kind of difficulties immigrants face when they enter immigration programmes and when they follow education and training in a country that is not their homeland. Through this part of the programme the participants will undergo a similar culture shock as students from a different cultural background have experienced many times and still do. In the second part the participants are introduced in the cultural background of Turkish students and they will see the different cultures and habits on the work floor in different sectors. They will be able to discover the impact of different cultural backgrounds on learning behaviour and attitude of Turkish students. The overall aim of this project is that the participants will be able to adapt their pedagogical approaches and guidance methods when working with and for immigrant students." Outcomes of the project will be a list of do's and don'ts concerning education and training for immigr ant students, together with a list of intercultural competences that are needed for teachers who work with immigrant students. 

1. “The Ways to Discover the Biological Diversity”- Youth Project (Action 1) with Norwegian and Italian Partners. 2. Exchange of vocational educational students coming from Germany as a partner.

SOCIALAND CULTURAL ACTIVITIES Educational Seminars ANTCEV organises seminars on several issues related with education for both our scholars and people living in Antalya in order to contribute to the implementation of our secular and democratic understanding of modern society. Social and Cultural Activities ANTCEV also organises activities on the important days of our country, such as Children’s Day. Furthermore, we organise chess tournaments, concerts, art exhibitions etc.